My First Blogg

Today is my first atempt at setting up a blog. I do a lot of blog hopping, mainly looking for Copic Marker blogs and other crafts.

I never fail to find some idea that I can use with my crafts on a daily basis. So I keep cruising the blog looking.

My paper crafting started about eight years ago. At that time I was into woodworking , and was looking for a way to decorate my projects. In our town there was a new Rubber Stamping store that had just opened. I decided to see what they had to offer.

That was my down fall!!!

Eight years later after many classes and more trips to craft store, and needless to say many dollars later, I now have one room of my house dedicated to my craft and still need more room. Just keeping track of what I have could be a full time job.

More about my journey into the craft world tomorrow.

Have a "GREAT DAY"!!!

Bob L.

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